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Embankment dam

South Hamchhadi Union No.2 from Hamachadi village to North Baanchanagar (Internal area of union)


The rickshaw or CNG from the brokers market will have to come to Nandanpur. 1 Km from Nandanpur Rickshaws can be used to walk.




02 Naṁ dakṣina hāmachādī i'uniẏana ēra prāẏa paścimāñcala diẏē baẏē gēchē ē bēṛi bādhaṭi. Uttarē uttara hāmachādī tathā mīragañja, rāmagañja haẏē bēkē gēchē. Dakṣinē atra i'uniẏanēra bāñcānagara grāma kē chēda karē 03 naṁ dālāla bājāra i'uniẏana kē kēndra karē hājīmārā ō mōllā hāṭa diẏē maju caudhurīra hāṭa haẏē mēghanā nadīra pāśa diẏē baẏē gēchē. Ēkhānakā prākr̥tika saundarya atyanta sundara ō manōrama paribēśa. Ēkhānakāra bikēlēra saundarya upabhōga karatē i'uniẏanēra ēbaṁ bibhinna sthānēra anēka mānuṣa āsēna. Ē'i bēṛi bādha ē pāśa diẏē baẏē gēchē ēkaṭi khāla. Yāhā bēṛira khāla nāmē paricita. Sthānīẏa sūtrē bā prakauśalīdēra matē ēṭi prāẏa madhya yugēra ō āgēra nirmita. Bēṛira du'i pāśē āchē asaṅkhya gācha. Yāhā sarakārī tattbābadhānē paricālita. Sabamiliẏē ē'i bēṛira bādhēra prākr̥tika saundarya an'yarakama.

This bari bandhati, which is surrounded by the west of the South Hamachadi Union, North Hamachadi, north of the north, is buried by Mirganj, Ramganj. In the south, by breaking the village of the village of Panchganger, the union of Dalal Bazar union was passing by Hazimara and Molla Hat with the Maju Chowdhury Hat passing by the Meghna river. The natural beauty of this place is very beautiful and pleasant atmosphere. Many people of the union and various places came to enjoy the afternoon beauty here. This canopy has passed through a canal. Which is known as a canopy. According to local sources or engineers, it is about mid-day and earlier. There are numerous trees on both sides of the berry. Which is operated under government supervision. In all, the stereotype of this ring is different from natural beauty.